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Three reasons why becoming a Mum inspired me to become better at business

The thought of becoming a Mum gave me anxiety. I didn’t feel like a maternal person, I loved work, I enjoyed my freedom. I wanted Dave to myself, I didn’t want to “ruin” my body and I required 10 hours of sleep a night… but most of all I was worried that having a baby would impact my business in a negative way.


Then Ruby was born and I fell in love. The result of this was that I began to value my time in a new way. I started to evaluate all the behind the scenes things that go into running my business. Systems and processes are definitely not a sexy subject, but working on automations, guides and optimizing my workflows allowed me to save time so I could spend more with Ruby. The added bonus?! This has improved the expe

rience my clients have with me from beginning to end!


I realised I couldn’t do it all on my own and began to outsource the things that I didn’t enjoy or someone else could do. I’ve have had two amazing people on my team for a while now and their roles enable us to ‘ do it all’ collectively. I absolutely love having a team and the freedom this gives to live a more balanced life. If you are a business owner interested in learning more about outsourcing we'd love you to check out our Guide to Outsourcing for creatives course and you can find this here!

My end goal will always be to have a business that I love, that works in with my family life. I hope this post has connected with you or inspired you in some way!

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